Writing Circles

Major Assignment 2

Art = Architecture + Design + Art
Art + Playable media + Moving image + Performance arts

Breaking down the prompt

Can a meaningful framework be developed for understanding art through the lens of science?
Can the effectiveness of the “aesthetic experience” of art (including visual art, music, architecture, theater, cinema, etc.) be quantified?
Aesthetic experience = being moved to a different emotional state than you were before viewing the artwork
Quantified = measured/tested

Point A vs. Point B, change in emotional, mental, physiological state

  • King’s speech
  • Transpotting

Tips for Prompt

  • You can argue YES or NO, as long as you have evidence to support your claim.
  • Consider the scientific tests in neuroscience we have discussed in lecture
  • Readings later this quarter may offer more evidence
  • You can use experiments and tests you have learned about from prior knowledge, without digging into outside research just for this assignment.
  • Consider what the purpose of “quantifying” and having experiments in the first place
  • You can discuss a personal experience with an art piece, as long as you include evidence