Art of Valence

Art of Joy

Things to Remember

  • Emotion has an arousal axis (very low to very high)

Emotion, Positive Valence, Pleasant Activation

In the context of psychology and neuroscience, positive valence is often discussed in relation to how the brain processes and reacts to stimuli perceived as rewarding or pleasurable. This concept is crucial in understanding emotional responses, decision-making, and behavior. For example, activities that produce feelings of happiness, joy, or satisfaction would be considered positive valence.


Neuroscience defines happiness as complex state influenced by various brain areas, neurotransmitters, and hormones. Key components include:

  • Brain areas: The prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus are crucial.
  • Neurotransmitters and Hermones. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins play significant roles in feeling happy.
  • Cognitive Processes: Thoughts and interpretations, like optimism and gratitude impact happiness by influencing neural circuits.

Where is it in the brain?

Positive reinforcement produced by electrical simulation of septal area and other regions of rat brain - James Olds, Peter Milner
Septal Stimulation for the Initiation of Heterosexual Behavior in a Homosexual Male

Mesolimbic Dopamine System

Decides what is pleasurable and rewarding


Catalyzes the search for reward

Movement and Happiness

Key activator for dopamine systems

Types of Happiness

External HappinessInternal Happiness

Difference in Happiness that the marginal dollar makes around reducing negative feelings falls off around $70,000

Gross National Happiness

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1975

Flow state - when your abilities and the challenges that you are faced with align




Vast spaces that feel cozy

Dust Golden Age


Henri Mattise



External beauty / display of wealth