Lambda Functions

  • known as anonymous functions (their functions are so simple, they don’t need a name)
  • syntax: lambda (input): (some operation)
  • within the scope of this course, lambda is used in conjunction with map and filter


Syntax: iter(iterable), next(iterator)

  • An iterator in Python is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that you can traverse through all the values.
  • Typically, an iterator is created from an iterable using the iter() function and the elements are accessed via the next() function.
  • Iterators remember the state as you traverse through them. The next call to next() starts off where the previous one stopped.


Syntax: map(function, iterable)

  • Map allows you to apply a function to all elements to an iterable input
  • very common to use a lambda function as the function to apply
  • returns a lazy iterator through the iterable object, applying the function as it traverses


Syntax: filter(function, iterable)

  • Filter takes in a function that returns a boolean and only keeps elements that satisfy the function (i.e. return True).
  • Very common to use a lambda function as the function to apply, but keep in mind the function must return a boolean.
  • Returns a lazy iterator through the iterable object that only yields values that pass the function.