
Environment Diagrams

visualize the interpreter process

Execution procedure for def statement

def function_name(formal_parameters):  
	return return_expression```  
1. Create a function with a given signature  
2. Set the body of that function to be everything indented after the first line  
3. Bind function_name to that function in the current frame  

Calling user-defined functions

Procedure for calling/applying user-defined functions:

  • Add a local frame, forming a new environment
  • Bind the function’s formal parameters to its arguments in that frame
  • Execute the body of the function in that new environment

Looking up Names in Environments

  • Every expression is evaluated in the context of an environment.
  • Environments are the memory that keeps track of the correspondence between names and values.
  • So far, the current environment is either:
    • The global frame alone, or
    • A local frame, followed by the global frame.
  • Frame is a binding between names and values.
  1. An environment is a sequence of frames.
  2.   A name evaluates to the value bound to that name in the earliest frame of the current environment in which that name is found.