Broadcasting is the process in Numpy that makes it easy to perform the same operation to every element in an array.
temperature_array # array([68, 73, 70, 74, 76, 72, 74])
# Increase all temperatures by 3 degrees.
temperature_array + 3 # array([71, 76, 73, 77, 79, 75, 77])
# Halve all temperatures.
temperature_array / 2 # array([34. , 36.5, 35. , 37. , 38. , 36. , 37. ])
# Convert all temperatures to Celsius.
(5 / 9) * (temperature_array - 32)
# array([20., 22.77777778, 21.11111111, 23.33333333, 24.44444444, 22.22222222, 23.33333333])