Prompt Advice

  • Prompt is asking: “Can the effectiveness of the ‘aesthetic experience’ of art (including visual art, music, architecture, theater, cinema, etc.) be quantified?”
    • Aesthetic experience = being moved to a different emotional state than you were before viewing the artwork
    • Quantified = measured/tested
  • NOT asking if the methods used to create the art can be quantified - we already know they can (i.e. color theory, music theory, etc.)
  • Define what the aesthetic experience is
  • Discuss what the purpose of quantification is and what sort of quantification measures you would or would not utilize
  • Use all the information and don’t selectively omit information to further your argument
  • Use the active voice in academic writing
    • “I argue…”
    • “Ledoux and Pine claim that…”
    • “This evidence shows…”
  • Include evidence from the course readings and lectures
    • Remember that the evidence you find may not be overtly “obvious”
    • Cite your evidence
  • Be as specific as possible in your descriptions