Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Axiomatic Properties of the Real Numbers

2.3.1: + and - for real numbers

  1. Commutativity:
  2. Associativity:
  3. Distributivity:
  4. Zero Identity:
  5. Unity:
  6. Subtractivity: ( is defined as )
  7. Division: (, is defined as )

In one word, 1-7 collectively say is a field.

Which of the following conditions are necessary for the positive integer to be divisible by 6 (proofs are not necessary)?

  1. 3 divides
  2. 9 divides
  3. 12 divides
  4. 6 divides
  5. 2 divides and 3 divides
  6. 2 divides or 3 divides

Use the properties of addition and multiplication of real numbers given in Properties 2.3.1 to deduce that, for all real numbers and ,