CAT 2 Assignment Rubric

Difference between CAT 1, CAT 2 Rubrics

Most important area is FOCUS, over development in CAT 1.
Focus at different levels: paper, paragraphs, sentences

CAT 2 Rubric Notes

Avoid orphan quotes
Signposting: Guiding the reader to what you are doing with your text with keywords, transition words.
Read your paper out loud to yourself

Assignment 1

“Choose one sense other than vision that has been employed in these works and make an argument about the best way that sense is represented visually.”

  1. You can choose touch, smell, proprioception, nociception, taste, etc. that is being evoked by the artwork.
  2. Describe particular parts of the artwork itself and relate your description to the sense you choose
  3. Only write about ONE ARTWORK and ONE SENSE that is evoked
  4. This prompt is asking you to think critically about the artwork
  5. Address WHY your argument is important

Principles of Art/Design

  1. Balance
  2. Contrast
  3. Emphasis
  4. Movement
  5. Pattern
  6. Rhythm
  7. Unity/variety

Elements of Art

  1. Line
  2. Shape
  3. Color
  4. Value
  5. From
  6. Texture
  7. Space

What makes a good claim?

Contestable (people can argue against it)
Supportable (there is evidence to back it up)
Conceptually rich
Answers a question or address a problem that will be interesting to readers.

Template for argument

(Insert artwork name) by (insert artist name) employs the sense of (insert sense other than vision) by utilizing (insert principle(s) and/or element(s) of art).