“Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love” - Einstein

On Love

Robert Indiana LOVE

Love for something higher than us

The Kiss - Auguste Rodin (1882)

First love - Axel Poulsen (1913)

The Lovers - Rene Magritte

The Kiss - Gustav Klimt

Helen Fisher on the Study of Love

  • People do a lot of things for love.
  • Love is in all societies.
  • Have you ever been rejected by somebody that you really loved?
  • Have you ever dumped somebody that really loved you?
  • Romantic love is a basic mating drive to conserve your mating energy and focus your mating energy on a single individual.
  • Plato - “The God of Love lives in a state of need”
  • Romantic love is one of the most addictive substances on Earth.
  • Animals love.

Does understanding how love works make love less than what it is? Can love be quantified? Measured?


Quantification, in a broad sense, refers to the process of measuring or expressing something in terms of quantity. This process can be applied across various fields, including mathematics, logic, science, and social sciences, with the specific meaning and application varying by context.

Can an experience be quantified?

In the assignment, can an artistic experience be quantified?

Physical Intelligence

“It’s blindingly obvious why we have a brain. We have brains for one reason and one reason only and that is to produce adaptable and complex movement.” - Daniel Wolpert

You need a brain for movement

Some animals digest their brain once they don’t need to move
Game of chess logically vs. dexterity

Moving in space - The foundation of thought